Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

This will be a site that you can check out what's happening at our houses.  The kids will be able to contribute text and photos as well.  We'll try to update weekly on Mondays.  Despite the cool weather the flowers are blooming.  We have new fruit trees in the "orchard", a dwarf apple and a peach.  Next year we'll be adding a couple of pear trees.  Be on the look out for Luna and Larry's Coconut Bliss ice "cream" made from coconut milk without soy or cow's milk.  The shower area is being insulated in preparation for tub placement and tiling (right after we order the tile).  Looking forward to dinner with Jude and friends on Saturday.  Two more weeks to finish up my Breast Cancer course.  Scott and Cory finish up next week.  Working on plans for a trip to the Lake District in September for Scott and I. Much excitement at our house on Sunday when an English Sparrow emptied the birdhouse of it's nest and Bluebird egg!  While Scott was scaring off the sparrow with his beebe gun (who knew he had one?) a wren moved in and the Bluebird was left without recourse.  Cory reports that he got an 81 on his exam last week, 31 points higher than class average!  Probably won't be any news from him until he emerges from finals week.
Happy Mother's Day!

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