Monday, May 23, 2011


 The Year in Flowers

We are just finishing up the first frenzy of blooming flowers in the yard- Hepatica and Colts Foot lead the wildflower season  and the first batch of azaleas and early rhododendrons have peaked and gone.  The white (Alba) azaleas are the first out - looking a lot like cotton in the woods in the twilight - followed by the PJM's, then Silver Pink, Olga, and the Korean's. We decided to try to capture every flower at Miller Road this year and put together a DVD that captures them all - there are way more flowering things in this yard than I would have guessed - here you will only see a small sample. My dad put in many PJM and Olga's and cloned many of the Korean's so they tend to dominate the landscape wide view, but the intersticies are loaded with a variety of other shrubs, bulbs, and perennials.  Long gone are the trout lilies, glory in the snow, bloodroot, daffodils, epidiumium, shad and dutchmans britches. The trilliums and lungwort are on their last legs, but the bleeding hearts are persisting valiantly. Our field of lily the valley is in full bloom - coinciding with the first wave of mosquitos - the broad leaf rhododendrons cannot be far behind.
Azalea Alba



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