Friday, August 5, 2011

July 24, 2011

Spring Run Trail, Saratoga Springs

Rail Road Trail, Saratoga Springs

 Scott met me after work with our bikes and we tried out two new little bike trails in Saratoga.  We stopped into Ravenous afterwords for crepes and then had a quiet evening at the lake.
Gardening along the trail

Unusual gladiolas

Balloon flower
 Richard and Kathryn joined us for dinner at the lake.  She brought a bouquet of balloon flowers.  Before they open the petals form a "balloon".  If you sear the ends of the flowers with a match it keeps the liquid in the stem and they last longer as a cut flower.  They brought along their photographs of their trip to Alaska.  Cory joined us and he was very envious of their proximity to Denali peak, now added to his bucket list.  Scott and I are thinking more along the lines of hiking in Denali and cruising up the Inside Passage.  Lots of wildlife (bears,moose, eagles,seals), seems to require a 35x lens for good photos though.  Good excuse for a new camera.
Scott in Nelson's "play" boats on Galway Lake
 Nelson has loaned Cory all the equipment he needs for the summer to learn white water kayaking.  So they have been getting out about once a week to play.  Some of the more difficult runs Cory does in a somewhat larger kayak that can "punch through" the waves.

Cory in kayak gear playing with BK's grandchildren

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